Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Circus Comes to Town

The curly leaves and hanging pods of this plant caught my eye the other day at the Botanical Garden. A week later I checked back to discover the pods turn into whimsical flowers that remind me of little hot air balloons painted like Ringling Brother's Circus.

Turns out they are Gloriosa Lilies, the national flower of Zimbabwe. Not only do they grow in Africa, but they also quite happily in the front yard!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Unexpected visitor

When I hear Olive scratching, she has most likely found a bug to play with. Not this time. A handsome box turtle came visiting. I don't know if it's the same one Olive found in the back yard last fall, but she discovered this one tucked up against the window outside the front entry room.

The turtle must have climbed the two short steps from the side garden, the only route to reach the window. It hissed at me when I picked it up and then retreated into it's shell when I moved it to a shadier spot beneath a bush. Maybe it wasn't finished visiting with Olive.

Light Angles

Late yesterday afternoon I noticed sharp lines of light through the skylight in the master bathroom and through the seamless glass corner of the master bedroom. What a treat to watch the world through the floor-to-ceiling windows in this house. How would I ever get used to traditional windows again?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Perfect Light

After an evening of rain on Tuesday, the light Wednesday morning was soft and overcast, perfect for photographing almost anything. I've been volunteering on Wednesday mornings at Georgia Southern Botanical Garden since February and yesterday was my lucky day. I saw photos everywhere.

These two took my breath away.

Beginning the Day in Gratitude and Awe

Have you ever looked closely at a day lily blossom? Don't wait too long. The blooms only last a day or so. I had seen nothing in the bed that runs along the front of the house since autumn but leggy, linear leaves. I really couldn't understand what all the fuss was about until a few weeks ago, the first flower opened.

When I edited my images tonight of this burgundy blossom I was reminded of the song "Awe" by Lisa Ferraro and Erika Luckett from their album of the same name. Visit their website and take a listen:

"As the sun will rise and the rain will fall, may I begin each day with gratitude and awe...If we're not in awe we're not paying attention."